
1. What you might want other blog folks to know about you: I currently live in New Orleans! I love mountains and water and green stuff! I love my dog Luna! I am a therapist and a hospital clown for money and am thrilled to say that I really enjoy both of these things! My favorite food might just be maple syrup! 

2. Your existing relationship to journaling/blogging: I spent many a middle school day trying to be funny on xanga and livejournal. My blog posts perfectly encapsulated my desire to be a cool and mysterious 12 year old. Since this era, I journal privately in a book with a pen like it's the 90s. I love journaling, but struggle to keep up with it in a way that feels nourishing. Instead it often feels like a chore. My recent solution to this dilemma is to draw and watercolor as journaling. I'm a terrible artist and I love it and It's going great. I'm thrilled to add this weekly blog journey to the mix. 

3. Why you're blogging this year and what you're hoping for from the experience: I love the idea of having a journal  accountability community. I also hate social media (though am on it as it goes...) and am curious how this type of online connecting might feel as an alternative! Especially curious about how it will feel to investigate the amount of authenticity (whatever that means, you know?..) and vulnerability (again, whatever that means..) I am comfortable sharing on this platform 

4. Set a timer for 3 minutes. During those 3 minutes come up with **as many possible blog ideas** as you can. They might be a concept that inspires you or a favorite song or a topic you think everyone should know about or a LUKE WARM*(TM) TAKE. The key is quantity! This is your pantry of ideas for weeks where you might need a little inspiration. Give yourself the gift of stocking up on cans of soup. You can choose whether to share your pantry with us or not.

SO FUN! Here I go. 

musical theatre is amazing. 

does coffee reeeeeally keep us up though? 

whole milk is the best. 

what do people really want from therapy? What even is therapy in 2025? 

monotheistic religions and binaries, am I right you guys? 

Restorative justice: have I ever seen it successfully happen? 

social constructivism: things are both not real and really important. What does real mean? What does important mean?

I want my muscles to be big

What's the real deal with protein? 

Is there a difference between connection, presence, and love? 

Our relationship with our pets! 

plants and feelings?!? 

The wellness industry is fucking us up

I'm terrified of phones 

Are we our parents?!?!?! I HOPE NOT 

Old poetry is fun 


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