an earnest ode to doggies

 To the puppies 

the howlers the yowlers the growlers

those diggers burrowers and rollers 

Your ears come in all shapes and sizes your fur short and wirey or wild and fluffy

 I love you 

so much. 

Your breath smells, you drink water loudly, you demand my attention 

I love you so much.

I love you so much to the point of physical pain.

When you look at me I feel excited, when you sit by me, secure

when you scream and bark and misbehave I want to help you feel safe, get treats 

When your tail wags my smile widens, when you shake and pant I must hold you and breathe slowly 

Why must you live for such a short segment of my life? 

Here's to the pups

reminding me of how I want to live

each one deepening the legacy of the best friends past


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